7 Days to Drink Less is an extremely successful method

· control your drinkin,alcoholism treatment,alcoholictherapy,drinking in just 7,stop drinking 7days


image principal drink less in just 7 days


Control Your Drinking... In Just 7 Days!

Get your life back without lifelong 12-Step programs, white-knuckle willpower, or going

7 Days to Drink Less is an extremely successful method 

7 Days to Drink Less is an extremely successful method that helps people reduce their alcohol use without going through a grueling process. While there are many treatments available for alcoholism, very few of them are enjoyable and frequently focus on removing alcohol entirely. 7 Days to Drink Less is not one of them. Instead, it focuses on alcohol reduction so that you can live a healthier, happier, and more peaceful life in which you are in charge. It assists you in reducing your drinking and developing powerful skills so that you can still enjoy a social night without going overboard. With a 97 percent success rate and the endorsement of hundreds of doctors, scientists, and health professionals, and no need for surgery,

What exactly are 7 Days to Drink Less?

You've come to the perfect place if you want to reduce your drinking for personal reasons or because it's impacting your physical, mental, emotional, romantic, or financial wellbeing. 7 Days to Drink Less is the world's first alcohol-reduction program. It's a thorough program that teaches you how to regulate your drinking so you may feel better physically, intellectually, and emotionally. It is intended to work for anyone, regardless of how much they used to or currently drink. As long as you want to cut back on your drinking, this program will teach you the simple methods to start managing your drinking without having to give up the glass or the social component totally. It is completely safe and natural, focusing on using the mind and powerful neuroplasticity techniques, psychology, and hypnosis to overcome mental and emotional causes, cravings, and compulsive drinking. 7 Days to Drink Less is a tried-and-true strategy that has aided men and women for more than 22 years. It also has a 97 percent success record and is recommended by thousands of doctors, scientists, and other health specialists.

I'll get into the specifics later, but for now, here's a basic rundown of what the program includes:

The Drink Less Mind book

Audio Hypnosis Files

Step-by-Step Discussions

Training for Anxiety Reduction with Bonus Audio

Aftercare Programs for People Who Drink Less

Because everything is digital, you won't have to worry about receiving an embarrassing package in the mail. Instead, you simply download the content to your personal technology devices. This enables you to utilize the program at your leisure and in the privacy (and comfort) of your own home. It also comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee and a success rate of 97 percent. So, if you're serious about improving your life by cutting back on alcohol, you have nothing to lose by giving this program a shot.

Who Is the Creator of 7 Days to Drink Less?

7 Days to Drink Less is written by Georgia Foster, an internationally acclaimed hypnotherapist. Georgia has been a professional hypnotherapist and voice dialogue trainer for 25 years and has been featured in The Daily Mail, The Sunday Times, Good Housekeeping, and many other publications.

image  proven steps

What You'll Discover in 7 Days About Drinking Less

7 Days to Drink Less is a successful program that has assisted thousands of people in reducing their alcohol use simply by utilizing powerful neuroplasticity approaches. It's quite simple and comes with a written guide that lays down the procedure and discusses the various factors that influence drinking. It goes into your inner dialogue, the emotional side effects of drinking, the physical health risks, and a lot more. Once you have received the necessary knowledge to comprehend the process, you may begin putting everything into action by using the audio files, quizzes, mental tricks, graphs, and step-by-step directions offered.

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Here's a more detailed look of everything it covers to give you a better picture of how the system works:


What's the harm in drinking excessively?

List Of Sections:

Life Through rose-colored Clarets |The After-Hours Office Drink Scene |The Magic Elixir |Stress Equals Alcohol |Life is a Celebration |The Radio Crazy Syndrome |Joe’s Radio Crazy |Self Improvement |Your Positive Radio Station |The Audio Files |Something To Think About |Inner Dialogue |Case Study – Anne |Developing the Healthy Confident Part |Decisions |The Inner Critic |Avoidance of Life |The Inner Critic’s Development |Silent But Violet |The Inner Critic Rules |Alcohol and The Inner Critic |Rating Your Inner Critic |Your Healthy Confident Part That Likes to Deal With Life Sober |Life is Very Rarely Perfect |Something to Think About |The Software of Your Mind |Your Mind Thinks Drinking is Normal |Using Hypnosis in Your Daily Life |The Unconscious Mind |Time |Your Body |Your Memory Bank |Everything is Real |All of our Senses are Positive and Negative |On Trial |Learning |The Unconscious Mind and Vulnerability |The Four Different Brain Waves |The Software |Out of Date Information |Updating the Emotional Software |Willpower |Repetition |Drink One Water One – The DOWO Policy |The Emotional Spectrum of Life |The Stress Response |Boredom |Feeling Trapped |Social Anxiety |The Social Animal Within |Blushing |Fear of Not Being Liked |Anger |Angry At Yourself |Depression |Anxiety |Your Mind Chooses Anxiety or Relaxation |Procrastination |The Emotional Drinking Chart |You and Your Liver |Scenarios |Liver Functions |Step One: Water, Water, Everywhere |Step Two: Line Your Stomach with Food |Step Three: Tips for When Out Drinking |Step Four: Improve Your Diet |Step Five: Try Juicing |Step Six: Hangover Tips for the Morning After |Step Seven: Liver Cleanse |Step Eight: Supplements |Recommended Safe Limits of Alcohol |Sex and the Inner Child |What is the Inner Child |Childhood

Pleasers Are Popular Peoplener Child and Alcohol |The Inner Child Loves Sex |Drink Beautiful Syndrome |Valuing Yourself Sexually While Sober |Alcohol Equals Play |Taking Life Too Seriously |Expressing Tears |Shutting Down The Inner Child |Self Expression |Anger |The Word ‘No’ |The Confident Fun Inner Child |Imagination |The Pleaser |What is The Pleaser? |The Pleaser and Fear of Not Being Liked |Pleasers Are Popular People |The Word ‘No’ |Pleasers and Money in Abundance |Low Self Esteem |Be Careful of Who Your Real Friends Are |Pleasing Yourself |White Lies |Pleasers’ Own Problems |Mind Reader |Inability to Ask for Help |The Assertive Positive Pleaser |How the Pleaser Can Work With You |You Have a Choice |Your Present and Your Future |Making Positive Changes |Being in the Present |Taking Time Out From Drinking |AFDs In Your Imagination and Reality |Each Day is a Separate Day |Fear of the Future |The Crystal Ball Syndrome |Building a Positive Future |The Mind and Body Connection |Setting Positive Emotional Goals |Self Hypnosis for your Future |Further Reading and Resources

image this method is not convetional

Benefits of the Program

The most significant benefit of adopting 7 Days to Drink Less is the opportunity to lower your alcohol consumption without having to completely abstain from alcohol or experience the physical or emotional symptoms that come with it. I like how this program is tailored to folks who desire to drink less rather than those who battle alcoholism. This is critical because the method for each is unique. After all, substance abuse and overindulging with friends on the weekend are two distinct issues. Another advantage is that you don't have to go cold turkey, quit drinking completely, or deal with cravings. It's also simple and intended to get to the core of why it's so difficult for you to control your alcohol use. Another significant benefit of having the system downloaded directly into your own personal computing gadgets is that you can utilize it on your own and in the privacy of your own house. It's also proven, has been approved by hundreds of health professionals, and you have 60 days to try it risk-free. It's a win-win situation.

The Program's Disadvantages

There are no drawbacks that spring to mind. This program simply takes 7 days of your time and does all of the work for you subconsciously. The only negative is that if you battle with substance misuse, this program is not for you. It can help you drink less, but more serious addictions require a different strategy.

image with price yes! I want to drink less


The full online 7 Days To Drink Less

All links on this page go to the official 7 Days To Drink Less Program Website where you can purchase this fantastic program.

Yes! I want to Drink Less

Just $149.97 USD Only one time

Get it now if you really need it as this program will change your life.

The goal is to make it easy for you to drink less without the need for willpower.

Can you imagine the day when YOU remain in total control of your alcohol'

image you won't find this approach anywhere else


7 Days to Drink Less is a pioneering program that offers an innovative approach to transforming your drinking habits. This program stands as the world's first of its kind, providing people with a proven strategy to reshape their beliefs and behaviours around alcohol consumption. Designed to be entirely natural, it is accessible to anyone aiming to curtail their alcohol use.

With an impressive success rate of 97 per cent and backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee, you can confidently embark on this journey. The program is presented in a fully digital format, granting you the convenience of accessing the content whenever and wherever you need it, directly from your personal tech devices.

Employing a well-established method endorsed by thousands of medical professionals, scientists, and health experts, this program integrates a natural approach through hypnosis. This ensures its safety and effectiveness for users of all backgrounds.

Created by a renowned clinical therapist and globally recognized hypnotherapist with a legacy in the industry dating back to 1995, the program offers insights gained from years of experience. Beyond the program, she conducts workshops to aid individuals in improving their drinking habits, and her expertise has been featured across various media platforms.

As you consider taking charge of your drinking habits, rest assured that this program is designed for individuals seeking personal growth and transformation. The focus is on providing tools and guidance to adults who wish to make a positive change in their lives.

 image drink less in just 7days

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